We are

middle finger
to cancer

Much like the middle finger, cancer is aggressive, belligerent and insulting. We’re here to fight.

why the middle finger?

In the summer of 2015 Middle Finger To Cancer’s founder, Trent Twaddle, was a seemingly healthy thirty-two-year-old financial analyst living with his new wife in Houston, Texas. Following his wedding in May, Trent was seen by an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate a small lump in the palm of his right hand. The lump was first thought to be a common fibroma – a non-cancerous mass. After several weeks of physical therapy with no improvement, an MRI indicated suspicion of cancer.

how we're different

Middle Finger To Cancer stands with patients seeking treatment for sarcomas of the limb, providing benevolent assistance to lessen their burden and help them fight their battle. Additionally, MF2C encourages the pursuit of alternative medical opinions and treatments in order to defeat sarcomas of the limb.


We’re not afraid to give the middle finger to cancer.

We hope you will join us in helping others defeat cancer.

What we do is not about us. Our efforts and your donations go directly to people that need it most.

We look forward to the day that defeating cancer is as common as beating chicken pox.

We’re direct and honest about all activities that occur within our organization.

board members
Our board is represented by a diverse group of indivuals with common goals of helping others, having fun while doing so, and making cancer extinct. 

“I physically don’t have enough middle fingers for, or… because of cancer. I’ll do everything I can to help others with sarcomas of the limb.”

Trent Twaddle

Founder/Motivator, Bio

“Cancer is awful. I see it every day. I hate what it does and how many it affects. I look forward to it being a thing of the past.”

Tanner Blackford

Treasurer/Fact Finder

“I’m a fan of cancer fighters, both the people and the sciences, and to their oponent I wholeheartedly flip the bird.”

Scott Guptill

Board Member/Hype Man

“If there was something I had to give to cancer, let it be the middle finger to match my attitude towards it. With the guidance MF2C provided me during my fight, I can firsthand (no pun intended) tell you how important this group is and the impact it can have on people’s lives. I’ll continue giving the finger to cancer so hopefully others never have to.”

Jake Meek

Board Member/Jump Starter, Bio

“Various forms of cancer have affected my family and friends. In my opinion, the two middle fingers I have for cancer aren’t enough.”

Heath Reynolds

Board Member/Tech Geek

“When cancer attacked my son, Trent, I found it impossible to breathe. Our journey; from diagnosis to finding the very best treatment, and finally establishing this foundation – it’s Trent’s way of providing sarcoma victims with the fresh air of hope necessary to breathe again, to move forward with life. He’s truly paying it forward.”

Bruce Twaddle

Secretary/Human Connector

“There’s no doubt that everything about cancer sucks, but confronting it doesn’t have to be. That is the guiding principle for my MF2C involvement.”

Michael Unger

Board Member/Tee Timer

we’re here for the fUN!

Each year Middle Finger To Cancer gathers cancer fighters from around the country to play golf, have some fun and raise funds to help those in need.

The Middle Finger To Cancer Golf Challenge is hosted annually in Kansas City, MO.

In 2021 we teamed up with some cancer fighters that launched the Scramble For Sarcoma Charity Golf Tournament in Rochester, NY where over $30,000 was raised during the first annual tournament.

Check out the links below to learn more about these events.

→ Middle Finger To Cancer Golf Challenge

Scramble For Sarcoma Charity Golf Tournament

Golf tees with Middle Finger To Cancer logo on them



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