
Another Middle Finger Given

Another Middle Finger Given

On December 28th, 2018, I rubbed my hands in preparation to blow out the candles on my 27th birthday cake when I noticed a hard bump at the base of my right middle finger. It was so hard I thought it was my knuckle and that my finger was dislocated. After a couple failed attempts to pull it back into place, I realized it already was and that this was indeed a bump. This was the start of my Sarcoma journey.

Why The Middle Finger?

Why The Middle Finger?

In the summer of 2015 Middle Finger To Cancer's founder, Trent Twaddle, was a seemingly healthy thirty-two-year-old financial analyst living with his new wife in Houston, Texas. Following his wedding in May, Trent was seen by an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate a small...

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